Our vision is based on the following facts and statistics:
Each residence using electricity in the US, will cause an average emission at the generating plant of more than a truck load (15,000 lb) of carbon Dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, each year. (1)
Number of housing units in the US is about 135 million (2)
Each motor vehicle will emit 11,000 lb of CO2 each year, based on an annual average of 13,478 miles driving, 24.7 average miles per gallon, and 20 lb of CO2 per gallon of gasoline. (3)
There are about 243 million vehicles in the US. (4)
By multiplication, US residential units and vehicles are emitting about 4.704 Trillion lb of CO2 annually.(1)(2)(3)(4)
This number is part of the 15.1 trillion lb of CO2 that is emitted annually from the US, and a 18 percent of the 82.9 trillion lb of CO2 emitted globally.(1)
CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, has increased from, 280 parts per million, (PPM) in 1750 to 406 ppm in 2017(5). CO2 encapsulates the earth, and causes the atmospheric temperature to rise. This has contributed to rising oceans, more flooding, worse and increased heat waves, draughts, melting ice caps, immigration crisis, and wars.(6)
Penelope Solar & Engineering is compelled and fully equipped, to help restore our climate for the future generations, through installation of residential solar panels. Photovoltaics applications in solar panels, which converts sun energy directly into electrical current, is based on well established technology, industrial practices and installation procedures.
The basic material of solar panels is silicon, which can be extracted from silica, the second most abundant material on earth, and the basis for the increased affordability, together with the improved technology, has caused the cost of solar panels has to drop 50% since 1998 (7). In January 2019, the global module average selling price was $0.22 per watt (8) (approximately twice the cost of a compact fluorescent bulb per watt), and the National median installed prices in 2017 were $3.7 per watt (before any incentives were applied) (9)
There are 83,547,309 detached housing units in the US 2017 (3), of which only 1,300,000 have solar panels, less than 1.6% (7). In Australia, 1 in 5 of houses have solar panels (10), In the UK, the number of houses with solar panels is 800,000 (11),
Countries ranked by PV installed in 2016 (in Gigawatts) are: China 78, Japan 43, Germany 41, USA 40, Italy 19, UK 12, India 9, France 7. (12) The US consumption at 28 times that of Germany, consumes 4 petawatt {peta is 10 to the power of 15} could be satisfied by 150 square miles of PV installations.
Summary: Penelope Solar & Engineering possesses all the reliable resources and information, to confirm installation cost of the PV system (a conservative $3.7 per watt), the monthly electricity cost saving, including Solar Renewable Energy Credit (SREC), property premium improvement from PV system installation, Maryland rebate, and Federal Tax Credits from the websites listed in the table above, to authenticate a desirable 10.3% investment rate of return, if the property premium is not included, and 29.96% if the property premium is included (if the property is sold after at least 4 years).
Production of PV modules: US and Canada manufacturing of PV modules currently accounts for only 6% of all manufactured modules globally, while China and Taiwan account for 68%. (13) But roughly three (3) Giga watts (3,000 Mega watts) of new or refurbished PV manufacturing capacity is expected to come on line in North America in 2019 (14). This added quantity of panels will be enough to power 500,000 houses.(15)
Today, there are 242,000 Americans working in solar industries (mainly installers) double the number in 2012. (16)
On the basis of each kWh consumed to manufacture a PV module, and because PV use of sun energy for a 30-years to produce enegy, a single PV module amplifies the energy used to make it by a multiple of 10 (17). The consequence of transferring electricity generation from oil to PV installations, is an energy production multiple of 10, resulting in a sizable contribution to the goal of saving our climate.
While great effort have been taken to provide accurate and current information regarding the covered material, our company, " Penelope Solar and Engineering" (PSE) is not responsible, if not officially requested to perform engineering services, for errors or omission, or the results obtained from the use of this information.
The ideas, suggestions, general principles and conclusions presented here are subject to local, state, and federal laws and regulations and revisions of the same, and are intended for informational purposes only.
(1) Based on an average of yearly consumption of electricity of 10,399 kWh, and an equivalence of 1,559 lb of CO2 for each MWh.
Reference: Energy Information Administration (www.eia.gov) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Gasses Equivalence Calculator.
(2) Source: (https://data.census.gov)
(3) EPA Gasses Equivalence Calculator.
(4) Federal Highway Administration
(5) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). https//climate.nasa.gov
(6) Cecilia Bitz, Polar Scientist, University of Washington.
(7) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) https://www.nrel.gov
(8) Department of Energy (DoE), Quarterly Solar Industry Update.
(9) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (www.lbl.gov), Electricity Market & Policy Group (EMP) (https://emp.lbl.gov) (Tracking The Sun)
(10) (https://reneweconomy.com.au )
(11) Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC)
(12) Wikipedia: Solar Power by Country
(13) https://www.solar-estimate.org
(14) DoE, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Quarterly report released Feb 2019
(15) 3 million KW is enough to power 500,000 houses, each consumes 6 KW.
(16) Solar Energy Industries Association.
(17) NREL Report No. NREL/FS-520-24619
Billion = 1000 Million
Trillion = 1000 Billion
Kilo = 1000 units
Mega = 1000 Kilo units
Giga = 1000 Mega units